Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok

Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 good
Requirements: Android 2.1 and

< u> Overview: complete battery monitoring with notification icon , history , graphics and alarms
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok

the most complete tool to manage your battery : Shows historical data (%, MA, MW , MV and temperature), calculates the estimated time of performance and battery aging , Help to calibrate the battery and improve your battery life

NB :
- NOT all phones report ACCURATE MA - Check the website application for more information
- the application displays the % remaining , voltage and temperature movers visit by
measures of actual battery capacity using historical data !
Display all information using great looking graphics , fully scrolling and zoomable .
Use additional packages to show great looking icons in notification bar Display historical graphics
movers or the battery on your home screen using widgets of various sizes!
triggers an alarm function movers battery ( voltage limits and temperature )
calibration reset manual drum / statistics on rooted phone Support Motorola
Defy / Atrix 1% reporting
online help accessible from settings export
movers System Tuner Pro analyzing process that is responsible for the discharge of the battery!

lowest Basseterre consumption on the market! Disable history / graphics for even lower consumption! Check the website for the consumption of the application and supported phones .
What's New
restored the functionality of 2.x, please check application version information .
New plug in
widgets movers state completely rewritten , please check the screenshots and comments.
requires Internet permission to download Eternal Notification Icons ( opens in sperm 2.x web site).
required SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW ( shoot other applications) to display the notification bar battery
coming from version 1. x or 2.x , the sales of auction widget must be created again , sorry.

This app has NO ADS

More info :

Code :

code> class='bbcode_code'> http: / /

download Instructions :
http: / /
Mirror :

Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok
Title : Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 good
description : Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 appropriate requirements : Android 2.1 and up Overview: complete battery monitoring with notification icon ...
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok
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Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok
Battery Monitor Widget Pro v3.0.8 ok
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