2015 came and went in a blink of an eye, yeah, but 2016 wont go like that coz the wait for some EPIC games will keep is occupied.
Here is the list of some of the games that are coming your way in 2016, and you ought to know ’em:
1. Batman: A TellTale Games SeriesBest upcoming games: 2016
2. Walking Dead Michonne A TellTale Games SeriesBest upcoming games: 2016
3. Assassin’s Creed Identity
4. Injustice Gods Among Us 2
5. The Room 3 (was coming in 2015, but got delayed to ’16 for Android) (now on ios)
6. Pro Evolution Soccer ’16
7. Indigo Prophecy Remastered (Fahrenheit) (now on ios)
8. Vector 2: LABBest upcoming games: 2016
9. Ember ConflictBest upcoming games: 2016
10. Minecraft Story Mode Episode 5 Season 1 FINALE ‘Order Up!’
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