Minecraft Pocket Edition v0.7.3 Apk

Source: Google Play Store

Imagine building . Create worlds on the go with Minecraft - Pocket Edition < / b>
The new Minecraft - Pocket Edition < / b> allows you to build on the road. Use blocks to create masterpieces as you travel , hangout with friends, sit in the park , the possibilities are endless. Go beyond the limits of your computer and play Minecraft wherever you go
entity .
  • random worlds
  • build anything you picture dog < li > Building with 36 Different Kind of Blocks
  • Invite and play with friends to your world (local wireless network)
  • Save multi-player worlds on your own phone
  • Xperia PLAY optimized
    note: Samsung Galaxy Tab users , please test the demo first ! If it does not , you need to update your version of the Android system software.
    What's in this version: Added
    sun , moon and stars Double chest

    Quartz tiles
    fixes many areas improvements Bug

    How to install

    Download Minecraft Pocket Edition APK
    install and play


    ARMv6 and ARMv7
    HVGA , QVGA , WVGA , tabs
    rAM : 512
    Android : 2.2 and more


    < table align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" class = " tr- caption- container " style = "margin- left: auto , margin-right : auto; text- align: center "> < tr> Minecraft Pocket Edition Android Game New Version < / td> < / tr> Source: GooglePlay < / td> < table align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0 " class = " tr - legend container " style = "margin- left: auto , margin-right : auto; text-align : center; "> Minecraft Pocket Edition Android Game New Version < / td> < / tr> class = " tr -caption " Source: GooglePlay


    Download Minecraft v0.7.3 APK 9 MB < / b>
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