Requirements :
Android 2.2
Overview < / b> Take a musical journey with MAVEN music , and figure out his amazing control features and unbeatable audio quality
Overview < / b> Take a musical journey with MAVEN music , and figure out his amazing control features and unbeatable audio quality
it delivers all Maven 3D surround effect that presents dynamic and amazing sound to listeners real timesynchronized . texts
Even when using external stereo speakers , multi- channel virtual surround sound provides highly immersive listening environment
. MAVEN Solution ( Polymorphic Audio virtualize Enhancing Nexus)
1 . XOME - i
No headaches, no hurting ears earphone use. Sound comes from the head and ears, so that it creates a feeling like listening through speakers while using the earphones or headphones. It gives richer and cleaner sound. Enjoy high fidelity audio is available on mobile devices with XOME - i.
2 . LIVE
Realization of three -dimensional presence of powerful resonant sound when listening with earphones or speaker by creating a sense of appreciating music in a real live concert .
3 . MEX
Strengthen inadequate reproductive ability of bass and high frequency, while strengthening component stereo sound to further broaden width of the stereo .
Equalizer will adjust levels of each frequency band of noise to allow the user to adjust the quality of a tone to his taste.
This solution includes a type that the user can adjust levels of each band as 9 -band , or preset type or type of user set . Provided that can be preset configured with up to 13 species, including VOICE , JAZZ, CLASSIC, rock, dance , etc.
5 . EVS
Now you can enjoy a virtual surround sound through your regular stereo speakers. 5.1 Virtual Speaker is a solution to create wider and rich stereo images is under such an environment. Votes are for you and ambient sound set seems everything around you ... just like a live performance
MAVEN Effect (3D sound)
XOME - i (externalization ) , Live ( reverb) , Mexico (Maestro) , EVS ( Virtual Speaker)
9 -band graphic equalizer , 13 default preset ( voice , Jazz, Classical , etc) Custom preset ( Save , Delete)
response curve Equalizer
volume ( Media volume , Pre volume , left / right channel adjustment)
Display texts in tag including text search through ALSong plugin
Brightness control
Play music by artits , albums, songs , playlists, genres, songs and folders
songs rescan
playlist management
Multi Select, Delete, Play, Add to playlist
name Repeat and Suffle
configurable widget types (size : 4x1, 4x2, 4x4)
read phone state ( in to stop / resume during incoming / outgoing calls,
Player requires only read rights on the phone reads )
BlueTooth lock screeen
Sleep Timer
Fade In / Out
moving the SD card
Help or Play, Volume , Effect
Language Translations:
English Korean
What's new in this version: ( Updated : January 25 2015)
(function () {if ( window .CHITIKA === undefined) { window.CHITIKA = {
" units ": [ ] }; }; var unit = { "call type ": " Async [2 ]" ,
"publisher ": " hunmarkov " , "width " : 468 , "height " : 60, " sid "
, " Chitika Default" , " color_site_link ": " 15ff00 ", " color_text
": " dbdbdb ", " color_bg ": " # 141414 "} ; var placement_id =
window.CHITIKA . units.length ; window.CHITIKA.units.push (unit) ;
document.write ('
' );} ());
< / center>
XOME - i (externalization ) , Live ( reverb) , Mexico (Maestro) , EVS ( Virtual Speaker)
9 -band graphic equalizer , 13 default preset ( voice , Jazz, Classical , etc) Custom preset ( Save , Delete)
response curve Equalizer
volume ( Media volume , Pre volume , left / right channel adjustment)
Display texts in tag including text search through ALSong plugin
Brightness control
Play music by artits , albums, songs , playlists, genres, songs and folders
songs rescan
playlist management
Multi Select, Delete, Play, Add to playlist
name Repeat and Suffle
configurable widget types (size : 4x1, 4x2, 4x4)
read phone state ( in to stop / resume during incoming / outgoing calls,
Player requires only read rights on the phone reads )
BlueTooth lock screeen
Sleep Timer
Fade In / Out
moving the SD card
Help or Play, Volume , Effect
Language Translations:
English Korean
What's new in this version: ( Updated : January 25 2015)
. . Media List UI was changed
Play flaw was found in nexus 9.
Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Download : < / b> APK
Play flaw was found in nexus 9.
Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Download : < / b> APK
Zippyshare ( 5.4 MB )
< / center>
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