Game Keyboard+ v6.1.1 APK

Requirements: Android 2.2
Overview Brand new version of ! Game Keyboard
Game Keyboard+ v6.1.1 APK
This version supports new "Standalone" mode on rooted devices, which saves the need for turning soft keyboard. Users with an unrooted device can still use the original "Soft Keyboard" mode. Remembering that some of the features are root-only, please refer to the feature list for more information

. Description Universal
mapping tools tailored for playing games. With this app, you can use the keyboard / gamepad-only games with touchscreen, just play time games with physical gamepad / keyboard / mouse, gamepad only play games with normal keyboard, or enter cheat code for supported games.
Main Features 1.
onscreen gamepad with
- multi-touch (depending on the device and OS)
- 08 / 04-way D-pad, and 12 game buttons, two analog sticks
- size and customizable buttons layout
- fully configurable button mappings
2. re-map physical keys
3 . store key / button mappings to profiles
4. full QWERTY keyboard
5. create macro auto fire, combo keys, the sequence of operations, and perform text input with one button hit
6. emulate touchscreen action, even in combination with devices without a touchscreen (eg Android TV Box) (need root)
7. emulate real Analog Joystick (emergency root, and joystick support OS)
8. emulate Virtual Mouse (emergency root)
IMPORTANT: Make sure that SELinux is disabled when using root-only features Android 4.3 devices
Controller Compatibility This app let user to control games with
- Touchscreen
- Accelerometer
- Mouse (emergency root)
- BluezIME compatible Bluetooth keyboard / controller
- OS compatible Bluetooth keyboard / controller (eg keyboard / controller connected to OS 4.2 as HID device) *
- OS-compatible USB keyboard / controller *
- virtual controller emulated by 3rd party tools (eg Moga Universal Driver system mode, Sixaxis bypass ime mode) *
- Xperia Play touchpad on Gingerbread (need root)
- built gamepad various gaming devices
* Read analog input required root access unless connecting controller through BluezIME
Software Compatibility
This app was originally delivered as an add-on for our emulators, but now works with many other apps. Not all apps are compatible, so please test during the trial period.
For best compatibility we recommend BluezIME compatible controllers when physical controller is needed. What compatibility problems can be solved using root features, please contact us when having problem

How to call Game Keyboard
-. Enable "Settings-> Use Shortcut" use [Vol. Up] / [Middle Mouse] as hotkey
- enable "Settings-> Use Hotspot" then tap a hotspot screen angle
The stand-alone mode
At Qwerty is currently not supported and unwanted key / button input can not be filtered. Please switch back to SoftKeyboard fashion or email us when having a problem.
To the user of original Game Keyboard
Thanks for your support, we are very sorry that we no longer can update the original version. If you find this app useful, please purchase this version
What's in this version :. (Updated: March 31, 2015)
[fix] Auto profile Lollipop

Download: APK
Zippyshare (300 KB)

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