Drastic vr2.1.6.1a DS Emulator ( ) apk gratis

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Name : drastic DS Emulator
Platform: Android
It requires : the Android 2.3 superior
Type: Application
Drastic vr2.1.6.1a DS Emulator ( ) apk gratis
Drastic vr2.1.6.1a DS Emulator ( ) apk gratisdrastic DS Emulator vr2.1.6 .1 for the android , it full version emuladorDraStic DS Emulator free APK , fullDraStic DS Emulator vr2.1.6.1a in su ultima version
in addition to being able to jugar juegos de Nintendo DS full speed on Android devices muchos tiene las Next features :

- Customize the placement and size of them it displays DS for them vertical and horizontal modes
- Fully compatible with the drivers of accessories , and controls them from physical devices such as nVidia them Shield Play and Xperia
- Save and resume su progress Cualquiera with them instead of saving states
- Ajustar su juego experience with one base data from thousands of tricks
- Sync saved games with tus su space online Google Drive
- Increase the speed of the emulation with he fast forward
Yes Tien Cualquiera doubt about it emulator please ECHA a glance at the demo version Primerica , who reads it will evaluate it functioning device emulator it .
Drastic Only if you design for it juego backup legally acquired private juegos de Nintendo DS . This product is in affiliated with endorsed by Nintendo in any way . No ROMs ask for the Help for ellos - Cualquiera request will be ignored .
NOTE : Los Android devices with Tegra 2 as compatible with this emulator . Black heme tried these devices , but still usted tiene una are in the blacklist in buying this emulator .

What the hay nuevo
Version 2.1 .6.1 a:
- Fix for several problems : Pokemon juego , Panzer Tactics DS , Art Academy, Cooking Mama , Lock Quest , Big Bang Mini , juegos broken in the previous version
- Fijar accident marked tricks Pokemon
- If you will Adding microphone false
- Further functions are assignable to them
- Muestra icons juegos
- some fixes and optimizations specific to it shock device
- More configuration controller it
- Analog them touch input modes
- Speeds configurable
Obtener For more information, see http://drastic-ds.com/drastic_readme.txt

Instructions : ( of Drizzt 's Arga )
1 modded to install tienda ChelpuS
Vaya 2 to sdcard / Android / data and copy com.dsemu.drastic a place in su ejemplo phone.For sdcard / Android ( esto es sus important to keep the stored data .)
3 Remove version prior to your Cell .
Drastic vr2.1.6.1a DS Emulator ( ) apk gratis
4 install this apk and copy the folder to nuevo com.dsemu.drastic in / data android and replace los archivos .

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