WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0

WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0
WebSharing (WiFi File Manager ) v2.0.1.0
Requirements: Android 1.5

< u> Overview: WebSharing allows you to wirelessly transfer files to and from your phone or tablet using the Web browser. You can play music and Managua, view your photos, and manage files on your device using your Wi -Fi network. It also has the ability to navigate / Manage your phone as a WebDAV share
WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0 .
Your movers never leaves your WiFi network. Nothing is ever sent to NextApp or any third party . There are no subscription fees of any kind, nor any dependence on external servers or Internet
* File Manager . Use strong browser to download and upload content to and from your device. The browser is fully functional Sharp Manager, with the possibility of evil , copy, rename and delete files and folders on the phone / tablet. Drag-and -Drop Sending files allows you to quickly transfer files by drag in the browser. With Google Chrome, you can drag and drop an entire folder hierarchies event . The downloaded files are waiting / downloaded sequentially , a jump can be dredged repeatedly files / folders in WebSharing carefree
* MUSIC . Built-in music player allows you to stream music from your computer to your device. The Music tab provides the ability to browse by album , artist, and playlist . Tracks can be downloaded Downloader and wireless , with the ability to send / receive multiple tracks at once
* PHOTOS: . The photo browser enables you to view and download photos to your computer. An integrated image viewer allows the supplier to display large pictures pan and zoom capability
* VIDEOS: . The video browser displays videos stored on the phone and / or taken by the camera. Videos Downloader mesh eBay or accessed directly using TWO HTML5 and Flash video players .
Support * WebDAV access HTML5 reader streaming to quickly switch inside tomography honored movies . WebDAV support allows you to mount your phone up / down from Windows , Mac, and Linux largely the same way as you cum USB disk or network shared
MODE * Clients folder . Two configurable user accounts, "owner" and "guest" , allow fine control over what content is accessible by WebSharing . The account owner can view the entire contents of the unit while the guest account can not see some elements that you specify. Each account has its own password and can be quickly enabled or disabled from the main screen of the application
AND PERFORMANCE * Privacy : . Your data never leaves your Wi -Fi network when you use WebSharing . It does not use the Internet / cloud to complete the transfer . Your computer and your phone / tablet ' will communicate directly and privately . And because your data is not going on the Internet , transfer occur at LAN speed
Network support . WebSharing is intended to be used on Wi -Fi networks, but can run on cellular networks if your career provides direct access to telephones / unscrew on their network. Most mobile operators do not allow
browser support . . WebSharing tolerates modernity Web browsers , including Chrome , Firefox , Safari and Internet Explorer
The music player requires Adobe Flash . The rehearsal video player can use HTML5 or Flash . The byte download feature requires Adobe Flash
Video Formats: . WebSharing can play video using video in Flash or HTML5 player repeats . Support video format varies depending on the browser and operating system. Most current browsers will play MP4 files using HTML5. . The Flash Player is capable of playing MP4 , 3GPP, and flv files
More information and documentation are available on our website: http://ift.tt/1myuulb

what's new drag and drop loads of bytes downloaded. Supports drag and drop entire folders in Google Chrome.
Holo entirely new user interface , both in the web browser and on your Android phone / tablet .
Adjustable Zoom. in the photo browser
start and stop automatically (configurable)
2.0.1 . . Corrections for Chrome 32 and IE 11

This app has NO ADS

More Info:

Code :

< code class = ' bbcode_code '> http://ift.tt/13GPoFJ

download Instructions :


Mirror :
http:// ift.tt/1cQoks7
http :/ / ul.to/dtns86n0
http://ift.tt/ 1kNZcua

WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0
WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0
Title : WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0
description : WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2 .0.1.0 Requirements: Android 1.5 Overview: WebSharing allows you to wirelessly transfer files to and ...
WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0
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WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0
WebSharing (WiFi File Manager) v2.0.1.0
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