Overview Big Lens Brings DSLR !
Depth level to your mobile device
Whether you're a beginner or pro photographer, Big Lens is your secret weapon when taking pictures with the phone . Numerous powerful filter effects make Big Lens perfect for creating professional-looking photos on your phone. Check out demo video: www.bit.ly/BigLens
Big Lens v1.0.2 APK5, Super
= = Smart Focus System ==
Just use your finger tips to focus your images without any prior knowledge in depth-of-field. You can use basic geometric shapes or a lasso tool to auto-focus your target, or you can choose advanced mode to manually define your focus area. Smart Focus will then automatically refine your selection with precision.
== ==
Aperture Control Adjust the aperture in Big Lens with a single gesture to instantly change the blur level of the out-of-focus area. Larger apertures blur the background more! Offers 9 unique lenses that blur the possible out-of-focus points of light in shapes like hearts and stars (Bokeh effect). This great tool turns simple-looking backgrounds into atmospheric backdrops.
== == Effects Filter
More than 18 filters that allow you to improve the color, increase contrast, or add Lomo effects. The result is spectacular filter simulation results right from your phone.
== Instant Focus / Blur Tool ==
Being able to instantly change the focus and blur area with their fingers in no time. Use simple gestures to enhanceand retouch focal areas to really pop the subject of your photos!
== == Before After Example
let you compare before after images to ensure they get the exact result they are looking for. You can review your photos at any time during your makeover process
== In-App Purchase Feature :. Focal Separation ==
Remove the new custom filter effect functions in app purchase to reach the ultimate artistic result! Now you will be able to issue foregrounds and backgrounds with light, color balance, saturation and contrast
What's new in this version: (Updated: March 19, 2015)

Whether you're a beginner or pro photographer, Big Lens is your secret weapon when taking pictures with the phone . Numerous powerful filter effects make Big Lens perfect for creating professional-looking photos on your phone. Check out demo video: www.bit.ly/BigLens
Big Lens v1.0.2 APK5, Super
= = Smart Focus System ==
Just use your finger tips to focus your images without any prior knowledge in depth-of-field. You can use basic geometric shapes or a lasso tool to auto-focus your target, or you can choose advanced mode to manually define your focus area. Smart Focus will then automatically refine your selection with precision.
== ==
Aperture Control Adjust the aperture in Big Lens with a single gesture to instantly change the blur level of the out-of-focus area. Larger apertures blur the background more! Offers 9 unique lenses that blur the possible out-of-focus points of light in shapes like hearts and stars (Bokeh effect). This great tool turns simple-looking backgrounds into atmospheric backdrops.
== == Effects Filter
More than 18 filters that allow you to improve the color, increase contrast, or add Lomo effects. The result is spectacular filter simulation results right from your phone.
== Instant Focus / Blur Tool ==
Being able to instantly change the focus and blur area with their fingers in no time. Use simple gestures to enhanceand retouch focal areas to really pop the subject of your photos!
== == Before After Example
let you compare before after images to ensure they get the exact result they are looking for. You can review your photos at any time during your makeover process
== In-App Purchase Feature :. Focal Separation ==
Remove the new custom filter effect functions in app purchase to reach the ultimate artistic result! Now you will be able to issue foregrounds and backgrounds with light, color balance, saturation and contrast
What's new in this version: (Updated: March 19, 2015)
Download: APK
Zippyshare (23 MB)
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Download: APK
Zippyshare (23 MB)
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